Not exactly what we had in mind….

First blog comes to you from — get ready — Seattle.  We never even got out of town.  If you’ve ever had a nightmare move, you’ll love this one.  Truck arrives.  Stuff starts loading.  halfway through, everyone looks at the garage, looks at the truck, looks at the garage again – this is not going to fit.  Things get rearranged.  Things get moved out and moved in again.  More stuff keeps vomiting forth from the house – the barbecue, the patio table, and oh yes, we haven’t loaded the washer/dryer yet.  Bob suggests returning the entire kitchen’s worth of cabinets he bought up here for the kitchen down there.  Not looking good.  The day wears on.  Then Bob suggests I call the buyer’s agent and ask if they want to buy the washer and dryer we were going to bring down for ourselves.  At 5pm, we have a pow-wow.  I call movers.  We rent a motel room in Seattle for the night (what?).  I am leaving out all the freak-outs and clusterf****s that accompanied.  By 6pm, we have a driver for the big truck for tomorrow, a room rented, another truck rented that we will drive, and we abandon ship for the evening.  Today is a much better day.  The new truck will only have to carry a small load and is MUCH MORE comfortable than the bench seats on the big truck. 

Today we understand things like the truck we rented was a ‘low boy’ and if we’d known that, we could’ve asked for a ‘high boy’ in which case everything would’ve fit.  More than I ever wanted to know about moving.  Why oh why did we leave the biggest move we’ve ever made in the hands of ourselves?  Never again.

The low boy from hell

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